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Wake-on-LAN settings

20.02.2007 Вторник 18:20

Software: Windows XP

To make Wake-on-LAN (WOL) work verify your system against the following check list:

- WOL feature should be supported by mother board

- WOL feature should be enabled in the mother board BIOS setup

- WOL feature should be supported by the LAN adapter (the network card)

- I heard some mention that in order for WOL to work, LAN adapter should be connected to the mother board with a 3-pin connector.

The drawing source

I suspect it relates to some older hardware stuff. Wasn't required in my case because I use a built-in LAN card anyway.

- In Windows, check properties of the network adapter in Device Manager. Anything related to WOL should be enabled. For example, in Windows XP: Network card properties —> Power Management —> Allow this device to bring the computer out of standby.

- You cannot wake up a computer by an arbitraty network request, e.g. by a ping. Wake-on-LAN is a special UDP packet. It has specific format and contains computer network card's MAC address. In order to send such a packet, special software is required. This one can be recommened (it is very simple and proven to work): http://magicpacket.free.fr/. To use it you'll need to know IP address of the computer and MAC address of the network card.

- Make sure all neccessary holes exist in the firewall. Unfortunatley, I don't know what holes are required, because in my case everything worked right away, no tweaking to the firewall was required.